
Thursday, December 30, 2010

A quick note....

I was looking forward to spending lots of time painting in the days between Christmas and New Years. I have new brushes, new canvases and boards.. etc... but.... the day after Christmas I woke up with a soar throat and fever and a cough... ugh. I've been waiting and waiting to get back to normal, and I'm just now feeling better. I've been trying to catch up with things, I feel so behind. And now my monitor is giving me problems!!! lol.... Hopefully I will get some painting done in the next few days, once I get things in order around here. I wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year!!!! Have Fun!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Feel better soon, Hang in there! Happy new year back to you.

  2. Happy New Year to you too, Ms. Debbie! I'm looking forward to seeing all your new paintings. I'm a huge fan of your work :)


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