
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Oil on 9x12 hardboard panel (nfs)

Well, I'm finally getting back to normal after that stubborn virus I had. I didn't intend to be away from painting for so long, but now that I'm feeling better I have been getting some things done. One of them is this portrait painting. It was done from a small photo of 3 girls who are family friends. When I saw the picture, I really wanted to try and do a painting of them. I have only done a very few portraits, and as I was painting this one, I remember why. They are so challenging for me. It took 3 months, and many trials and errors to get this painting to look right. I still see things in it I would like to improve, (values in flesh tones mostly) but I just don't quite know how to do that without creating more problems to fix. So, I will leave it as it is.
I learned a great deal in doing this portrait!! Especially about flesh tones and value!! Wow!! It was really far above my skill level... I have such a huge respect and awe for portrait painters!!


  1. It is wonderful, Debbie. And, a smart artist knows when to say are very smart.

  2. Wow! this is awesome!!!! You worked through it all to a wonderful finish! I do think that you should do more of these, you seem to really have a great touch. The girls look gorgeous, I know they would be pleased with it.

    Glad you are feeling better. I'm just getting over the same bug and am still busy training a new pup. Maybe I'll get back to painting to but my time away is MUCH longer than yours! That in itself makes it harder to jump back in.

  3. Carol, Thank You! I didn't think of it that way :-)
    Marilyn, you're right, it is hard to get started again. Hope you're feeling better and get to do some painting real soon!

  4. glad you are better and back to painting, I love your work!

  5. Deb, this is not above your skill level. This is perfection!! I hope the girls love it!

  6. You did an amazing job with this little gem... 3, THREE, faces... wow, I'm impressed... fantastic, and not at all about your ability ! super -Sandy Haynes

  7. You are a great artist. This portrait painting is beautiful. There's much expression on their faces. You captured it all in this painting.


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