Monday, May 19, 2014

"Peach and Creamer" Oil on 6x6 inch board


I only took this one picture as I began painting, and then forgot to take anymore.  :)


  1. Spectacular, as always! I'm such a fan of your art Debbie!!!

  2. This is one of your most beautiful paintings. I know why you forgot to take more must have been totally in the flow and it shows. How long did it take you from start to finish?

    1. Jana, Thank you! I painted it over an afternoon.. 4 or 5 hours I suppose... but, then... the peach moved, rolled a bit, and when I put it back, it was closer to the creamer and I liked it better that way. It closed the gap I had there between them, that you can see in the photo I took. So, it took a couple more hours the next day to finish it up :) thanks for asking.

  3. Your peach looks yummy enough to eat!


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