
Sunday, July 10, 2016

"Assorted Cherries" OIl on 5x7 inch canvas board

I took this photo from above,  with the painting lying on the table beside the cherries.

I've been slowing down a bit with my painting, as I've been having more and more trouble with cataracts affecting my eyesight .Over the last year especially it's been a nuisance,since my eyes are very nearsighted the cararacts just make it worse.  So,the  doctor says I'm ready to have surgery (in late August) to replace the cloudy lenses in my eyes with clear artificial ones.   Hopefully afterwards my eyesight will improve and the glare and cloudiness will be gone, and painting will be a little less challenging!


  1. I wish you luck with your eye surgery.... Verna

  2. Sorry to here about the cataracts. This painting looks great even with them!
    Good luck with the surgery and I look forward to seeing more of your paintings when you can return to them.

  3. I hope you're recovered, or recovering. I also have cataracts and feel encouraged and inspired by your beautiful work.

    1. Cheryl, Thank you! I'm sorry to hear you have cataracts also, it seems like it's a very common problem, but I feel like it's more of a problem when your an artist! :)

  4. I always admire you paintings, Debbie, and have done so since before I joined DPW. Upon catching up on your blog, however, I see we share a common frustration: like you, I am very near sighted and need cataract surgery (mine is in November). Hope your procedure went smoothly, and look forward to continuing to be inspired by your wonderful work!

    1. Thank you Helene!, I hope your surgery and recovery go well too!


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