
Sunday, September 18, 2016

Getting back to work... hopefully soon!

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I have been away from my studio, and my blog.. and the computer for most of the summer... I just stopped trying to do any artwork with my eyesight giving me so much trouble.  I had cataract surgery scheduled for the end of August, and another in September.  Now, both of my eyes have been done, and still need time to heal, I still have some flickering reflections in my right eye and a bit in my left.  They say it should go away... but I am so impatient, I just want to start doing something! So, I am re posting this painting of cherries, I adjusted the color of the picture now that I can see better.  
Thank you all for your comments, I'm sorry I didn't get them until now, I had a problem with my computer, and I stopped using it, and didn't check the blog.   
Since the cataract surgery, my eyesight has changed dramatically.  Everything is brighter, and clearer than before, it's taking some getting used to.  Another big change is that I can see fairly clearly for distance, but I can't see clearly up close, and need reader glasses for that.  (I used to be extremely nearsighted, so without my glasses everything was blurry for me except up close to my face was clear) So, I will have to learn how to do my artwork looking through the reader glasses, and then looking over them to see my subject further away.   ;-)... I haven't tried to paint anything yet.  I've just been practicing sketching for now.  It's been so long since I've painted anything, I feel as if I've forgotten how!  I hope not! lol...
I'm not sure what the end result of my eyesight will be... it's still a bit blurry in the distance... but it's still early,  they say vision improves during the first month after surgery... I hope so.  Or, I can just get glasses to correct that I suppose... we'll see!


  1. That is a lot to deal with, and I can truly sympathize, I am struggling with similar issues.
    Hang in there.

    “In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.”
    – Albert Einstein

    1. Jim, Thank you! I appreciate your comment so much! I hope your eyesight issues can be resolved successfully!

  2. My goodness, I had no idea! I hope you will be back to full painting quickly, and that you have the best possible recovery.You are a strong painter; I'm keeping at it- it can be a struggle but so enriching I know!

  3. Good to hear from you and glad your eyes are getting better.

  4. Please don't stop painting. I have had two cataract surgeries early in life - my advice is leverage the blurred vision for form, shapes, light and leverage the clear vision for highlights, clarity, color and pizzazz! Once you get used to it, I think you will be thrilled with how this change is going to enhance your artistic journey! Look forward, not behind, for the best vision!

  5. Nearsightedness seems to be less of an issue then farsightedness. Kevin Macpherson calls it his secret weapon to see the distant world slightly out of focus. Norman Rockwell had special bifocals made with the lens split in half vertically so he could scan left to right, and see the image clearly close up and in soft focus far away. Interesting is that not?

    1. THank you Jim! I never heard of Norman Rockwell's vertical bifocals.. Very interesting!

  6. I am so glad that you are back. Your work is lovely. I'm sure that you vision will be much improved -- it just takes time to heal.


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